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  • Michael D'Innocenzo and students

Watch a Video - Michael D'Innocenzo Helps High School Students Talk about Public Issues

  • Michael D'Innocenzo and students

You can watch a two-minute video that describes Michael D'Innocenzo's work to help high school students in Floral Park, Long Island, New York, discuss national issues during a Renew New York High School Convention in 2013. Michael D'Innocenzo is a former National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) member, and a professor at Hofstra University, and a long-time convener and moderator of National Issues Forums (NIF).

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Apply Now for a Taylor L. Willingham Legacy Fund Award

Applications are now being accepted (deadline is December 31, 2015) from individuals who are interested in being considered to receive a Taylor L. Willingham Legacy Fund grant. Grants are provided to individuals to enable them to develop an understanding of deliberative democracy and launch one or more deliberative dialogues in their communities and organizations in order to advance NIFI's overall mission, which is to promote public deliberation about national issues.

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  • NIF issue guides

Please Help Us and Complete Our New Issue Guide Survey

  • NIF issue guides

Issue guides are at the center of the National Issues Forum Institute’s efforts to engage concerned citizens around discussing actionable solutions for our nation’s most pressing issues, such as health care affordability and social security reforms. They provide the unbiased facts, research and potential solutions to spark a discussion about solving these types of national challenges. We think of them as study guides for your forums.

Making deliberation easier, more accessible

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  • Deliberating in Washington, DC

Coinciding with Pope Francis' Visit, Church Bishops Meet in Washington, DC and Use NIF Guides to Deliberate about "America's Energy Future"

  • Deliberating in Washington, DC

Coinciding with Pope Francis' visit today, the Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America bishops are meeting in Washington, DC. The conference theme is Deliberative Discipleship – Deliberative Democracy. Groups are deliberating today using the National Issues Forums (NIF) issue guide, America's Energy Future: How Can We Take Charge?

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