Webinar | Democracy in Action: How Can We Encourage and Safeguard Voting
Join a webinar with National Issues Forums and Campus Compact
This webinar will explore how students can strengthen their leadership capacity and contribute to civic life by organizing, leading, and participating in nonpartisan, deliberative National Issues Forums about how to encourage and safeguard voting, a hallmark of our democracy. With an emphasis on practices for bringing people together to talk deliberately about what can be done to ensure that elections are fair, efficient, and secure, participants in the webinar will explore ways to talk productively about a range of perspectives and concerns about the issue and to set directions for moving forward—locally, regionally, and nationally.
Link to registration: https://events.compact.org/21-webinars
This webinar is part of the Campus Compact 2021-2022 national webinar series. The webinars take the great and varied work happening on the ground around the country and brings it straight to your desk. Topics touch on issues of relevance to faculty, staff, students, and their partners in education and community building.
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