Moderating Deliberative Discussions | Online Workshop
Darla Minnich
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides

For most of us, it’s a new experience to sit down with others to talk about a complex public problem. When these kinds of discussions do occur, it can be challenging to consider different perspectives in ways that are thought-provoking and deliberative.
Many find that such discussions are much more constructive when led by a moderator who helps participants maintain an atmosphere for productive conversation. The moderator asks questions that probe deeply into the issue at hand and helps participants weigh possible actions and next steps.
While the skills of being a moderator are not hard to grasp, it takes conscious effort for most of us to deliberately step out of the role of participant and into the role of moderator. Many people find it useful to explore and practice the skills of being a moderator before they step up to that role in public.
The National Issues Forums Institute is hosting such an opportunity on February 17. Please join us.
Moderating Deliberative Discussions
An online workshop for new and experienced moderators
Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 2:00 EST
This free workshop will serve as an introduction for new moderators and as a refresher and deeper dive for those who are experienced. We’ll share insights gathered from practitioners throughout the National Issues Forums network while we learn from each other in a highly-interactive workshop setting. Participants will receive a wide range of resources to support their own moderator development, which can be adapted for use in locally-organize online or in-person moderator workshops.
Supporting Materials
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