• Economic Vitality

An Issue Guide - "Economic Vitality: How can we improve our communities?"

(The following announcement is from Linda Hoke.)

Despite positive signs in terms of overall economic growth, the economy remains a key concern among many Americans. According to a Harris poll conducted in January 2016, Southerners were the most pessimistic about the future. For many in communities across the South, rapid change and an unclear future can create a sense of uneasiness, or even impending doom. 

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  • Human Trafficking cover

"Human Trafficking: How Can Our Community Respond to This Growing Problem?" - An Issue Guide from Maricopa Community Colleges (Arizona) Center for Civic Participation

This 8-page issue guide, titled Human Trafficking: How Can Our Community Respond to This Growing Problem? is available as a free download. The guide presents three possible approaches for consideration: Approach 1: Focus on Families' and the Community's Roles; Approach 2: Focus on Schools, First Responders and Other Professionals; Approach 3: Reform Laws and Policies.

The following are excerpts from the issue guide:

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  • Terry Jack and Virginia York

Terry Jack and Virginia York Represent National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) at Portland, Oregon Conference

National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) Ambassadors Terry Jack and Virginia York recently attended the 13th Annual American Political Science Association’s Teaching and Learning Conference in Portland, Oregon.  The conference provided a forum for teachers and scholars to participate in the scholarship of teaching and learning, share effective techniques, and to discuss trends in political science education.  Specific panels such as Deliberation in the Classroom Affec

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  • National Issues Forums

National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) Elects Four New Members

From a February 18, 2016 National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) news release - At the December 3, 2015 meeting of the National Issues Forums Institute in Dayton, Ohio, Sandy Heierbacher, Gary Paul, John R. Unger II, and Mark Wilson were elected to the 2019 class of members of the institute.

“Sandy Heierbacher, Gary Paul, John Unger and Mark Wilson bring to NIFI vision, commitment and broad experience with citizens and communities,” said NIFI president Carol Farquhar Nugent. 

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