America's Energy Future: How Can We Take Charge? is a new "starter video" preview that is now available to watch online at the National Issues Forums (NIF) YouTube channel. This two-and-a-half-minute video gives an overview of the material presented in the NIF issue guide of the same title, and makes a great introduction to the issue for groups participating in a deliberative forum.
Watch this eight-minute video about a collaboration between Windsor Middle School students and teachers; and State University of New York (SUNY), Broome, that introduced 7th and 8th graders to the practice of deliberating events in U.S. history as difficult choices among several possible approaches. The video was published to YouTube on June 24, 2015.
When I was thirteen I had a dream. In the dream I was given a challenge; if I could “find” civilization, my life –and everyone else’s life- would be longer and better.
Understanding and Eradicating Rape Culture: Creating a "Culture of Consent" on the University of Kentucky's Campus, is a 36-page report about the creation of an issue guide (included in the report appendix), and the findings from five forums in which University of Kentucky students deliberated about three possible options presented in the issue guide.
The 16-page issue guide, titled Bridging and Bonding: How Can We Create Engaged Communities in a Time of Rapid Change? was created by the General Federation of Women's Clubs in collaboration with the Kettering Foundation and Franklin Pierce University.