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  • Keeping America Safe

New Issue Guide - "Keeping America Safe: What is Our Greatest Threat? How Should We Respond?"

  • Keeping America Safe

This 23-page issue guide offers a framework for deliberating over the priorities that should inform our nation’s role on the world’s stage. It presents three different options for moving forward—each based on a different way of looking at our greatest threats and each involving a different set of prescriptions for what should be done. Most important, each option has significant downsides and drawbacks.

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  • Curtis L. Sparks leading a forum about immigration

Curtis L. Sparks, III - Convening and Moderating a Forum about Immigration

  • Curtis L. Sparks leading a forum about immigration

National Issues Forums (NIF) networker, Curtis L. Sparks, III convened a forum on the issue topic, Coming to America: Who Should We Welcome, What Should We Do? on November 8th at Brookdale University Park in Birmingham, Alabama. "Curtis is presenting possibilities for people to transcend their challenges in democratic practices," said one curriculum team member.

Click here to see the flyer announcing the forum.

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  • Join an online forum

Register to Join an Online Forum - November and December Dates Available

  • Join an online forum

The Kettering Foundation (KF) and the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) are convening online Common Ground for Action(CGA) forums in September and October — these are great opportunities to share with people you’d like to experience a deliberative forum: teachers who might want to use deliberation in the classroom, partners on an issue who are new to forums.  Please share this post widely with your networks and on social media. 

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  • We art exhibit

The Politics of Thanksgiving - Art Exhibit and Deliberative Forum Will be Part of Examination of "The History of the United States Through the Lens of Thanksgiving"

  • We art exhibit

A deliberative public forum about the issue of immigration will be included in the programming planned as part of an art exhibit at the Russell Library at the University of Georgia. The art exhibit, We: American Thanksgiving Conflict and Communion will feature the work of two artists; sculptor and potter Micaela Hobbs, and painter Jennifer Niswonger.

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