
Common Ground for Action (CGA) online forums are small group deliberations, rooted in non-partisan National Issues Forums style issue guides and facilitated by trained moderators. The forums are purposefully small – no more than 12 people participate in a forum. The small size ensures that every participant has a chance to be actively engaged in deliberating as part of the group. The software relies on a group chat for deliberation, which creates an ongoing record of what the group is discussing and how they are grappling with the choices presented in the issue guide. Video conferencing software can supplement the chat and visuals-driven interface to maximize interactions and human connections between participants that spark solutions to joint problems.

The human moderator, who often but not exclusively has a background facilitating in-person deliberative forums, helps tie together chat threads, ask questions that clarify typed posts, and works to ensure participants are engaging with the diversity of comments that participants enter.  

Anyone can host a CGA forum with the assistance of NIFI/CGA. Forums are organized by civic groups, churches, teachers, and individual citizens and by CGA/NIFI. Check out our CGA moderator resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in a Common Ground for Action online forum?

In a Common Ground for Action online forum, you exchange views online with others in a nonpartisan, small-group discussion that is moderated and generally lasts about two hours.
CGA forums offer:

  • A thought-provoking, structured way for people to have these conversations
  • A way for people to learn more about alternatives for solving major problems
  • A chance for people to explore their own judgments on an issue
  • A way to better understand the concerns and ideas of others with different views.

This 5-minute video explains more about what happens in a forum and how you can participate.

When is the next online forum?

Common Ground for Action online forums are scheduled at specific times throughout the year. Sign up to be notified about upcoming forums.

You’ll be participating in small, moderated group discussions, so there may be several discussions running simultaneously. Remember, Common Ground for Action online forums generally last about two hours.

What do I need to join a Common Ground for Action online forum?

There is no software to download; Common Ground for Action runs in any browser. CGA forums are user-friendly, so participants of all ages and levels of tech-savviness can participate with ease. 

  • Touch keyboard: Since CGA participants type in their comments, a touch keyboard is helpful.
  • Full-size screen: Since participants look at proposals, options, and actions onscreen, a full-size screen is also desirable. Desktop computers and laptops work best; tablets with attached physical keyboards will work also. However, CGA is not set up for smartphones.

You can sign up for forums here. Your moderator will send you additional material, including an issue guide, prior to the forum.

I received an invitation to a Common Ground for Action forum—how do I get there?

The invitation email from your forum convener or moderator contains both a unique URL and a 9 digit numerical code that is your Forum ID. With these, you can:

  • Click on the unique URL to go directly to your forum, or
  • Enter the URL into your URL bar, or
  • Click the button below and then enter your 9 digit Forum ID.

Can I join a forum right now?

Anyone can participate in a Common Ground for Action forum, but CGA forums are opened and hosted by moderators, so you have to either be invited by a moderator or sign up to join a forum that has been set up to be as an “Open CGA forum.” You can join any “Open CGA forum” listed in the Forum Calendar by clicking on the URL in the event listing.

How do I get notified of upcoming online forums?

Sign up to get interesting news and updates about Common Ground for Action forums delivered to your inbox, including invitations to participate in forums as they are scheduled.

How can I set up an online forum specifically for my community or group?

Common Ground for Action online forums can be organized on current issues like immigration, foreign policy, mass shootings, and opioids specifically for your community, school or college, or your professional or community group. Most NIF issue guides and advisories are available for use in CGA. Want to check the availability of a particular issue guide or advisory? Just email us!

We can quickly show you how to set up and moderate your own forum, or we can connect you with a network of trained moderators to facilitate a forum for your group. We can also make the insights from your forums available to you so you can use them to keep the discussion going. Common Ground for Action free for you and participants to use. Just email us, and we’ll get you set up.

Can I convene and moderate a Common Ground for Action online forum myself?

Teachers, professors, and community leaders across the country are using Common Ground for Action forums to get people talking to each other about the tough issues facing our towns and states and the country as a whole. Anyone can host a Common Ground for Action forum with the assistance of NIFI/CGA. We can quickly show you how to organize and moderate your own forum. We can also make the insights from your forums available to you afterward so you can use them to keep the discussion going.

Forums are organized by civic groups, churches, teachers, and individual citizens and by CGA/NIFI.