I’d like to convene/moderate a Common Ground for Action forum. What do I do?

Are you an experienced NIF moderator, just new the CGA platform?

Sign up here to register for a Common Ground for Action forum and moderator practice session.

Are you new to both NIF forums and CGA?

No problem! Sign up here to register for an intro to both NIF Forums and the CGA platform.

CGA Moderator Resources

How to Moderate Slideshow

You can click through this slideshow at your own pace either before a moderator practice session, or refer to it afterwards.

Moderator Script

Don't feel you have to stick to this script— this is just a handy document that you can copy and paste from as needed to explains the format/structure  of the forum and to explain how to interpret some of the graphics and other information in the platform. It’s a .docx file, so you can adapt it as you see fit.

Download Moderator Script

How to participate video

It can be very helpful to send this video link to participants beforehand so they can watch it before the actual forum.