Community Dinner and Dialogue; the Opioid Crisis
St. Mark's Church
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Joanna Linw
Event Link
Event Type
Issue Guides
Do you find it difficult to engage in discussions about different viewpoints on certain topics or in certain contexts? Attend the Community Dialogue Series workshops to learn strategies to develop your active listening skills, learn how to engage in civil discourse about controversial topics, and participate in a community dialogue dinner. BGSU students, faculty, staff, and Bowling Green community members are invited to attend these events.
The Community Dialogue Dinner will offer the opportunity for participants to engage in dialogue with fellow members of the Bowling Green community about the opportunities and challenges that the community faces regarding drug, alcohol, and mental health resources and policies, particularly regarding the opioid crisis. Dinner will be provided.
Participation in all three events in the series is not required. Please RSVP for the event(s) that you plan to attend at
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