Forum on Zoom | Project Common Grounds | Back to Work: How Should We Rebuild Our Economy?
Project Common Grounds
Palms Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Beach, FL
The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 swiftly brought the U.S. economy to a near-standstill. Millions of people have lost jobs, many businesses remain significantly challenged.
How should we rebuild our economy after the pandemic?
Please join us for a deliberative dialogue ON ZOOM that will present three options for moving forward, each coming from a different perspective and each reflecting on a different set of ideas about what should be done. Most people will find something to agree with in all three approaches, but each also has trade-offs, risks, or drawbacks that need to be taken into account and worked through. The options you will weigh are not ready-made solutions, but rather a starting point to share with decision makers.
The process of deliberation is about seeing the face of God in each other.
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**If you cannot register with a link, copy & paste or email with name and say IN PERSON DD Rebuild economy
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