Increasing Safety and Securing Justice
225 W President Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Brittany Curry
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides

After falling steadily for decades, the rate of violent crime is back on the rise in the United States. Bias and distrust among both the citizens and police appear to be making the problem worse. On Monday, February 20, you are invited to join in a public deliberation in which we will consider 3 possible approaches communities could take to respond to violence.
In a public deliberation, participants are asked to consider benefits and tradeoffs of different options. This is not the same as general dialogue about the issue, nor is it a debate in which one side argues against another. In order for true deliberation to take place, citizens must struggle with what they'd be gaining and givng up in order to adapt one specific approach.
Your personal stake in this issue is important. Hearing the personal stake of your fellow citizens is also important and both are necessary to break down barriers and move toward real solutions.
Click here for a downloadable PDF of the issue guide. Our deliberation will go swiftly if you have had a look at the issue guide in advance.
Lunch will be provided beginning at 11 AM and the deliberation will begin at 11:30. There is space for 12-15 participants in this deliberation. Email to sign up or request more information.
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