A Public Voice online watch party!
Dr. Kara Dillard
Email Organizer
Event Link
Event Type
Special Event
Issue Guides
A House Divided
If you've participated in a Common Ground for Action or in person NIF forum in the past couple of years, you've probably filled out a post-forum questionnaire. During the A Public Voice program, we share the results of forums across topics like immigration reform, health care, and politics with policy makers. We are livestreaming the program via Facebook Live for everyone to see! Just join the event to get a notification when we start broadcasting!
EVENT LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/283300229236746/
DETAILS: Thursday May 9th at 9:30am ET
This year, A Public Voice will focus on the public's thinking that is emerging from National Issues Forums on "A House Divided" and fixing our political system as it differs from the public opinion data usually available to policymakers, as well as engaging participating policymakers in developing the topic of divisiveness for a potential future issue guide. And on that issue, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
We want to hear your experiences trying to bring citizens together across divides to talk in your communities-how difficult it can be; what is contributing to it, what change you're trying to bring about, and how. We'll be responding to your comments in real time and relaying them to panelists in the event.
No, you don't need a facebook account to watch the broadcast or participate in the comments.
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