Train-the-Trainer: Training NIF Moderators for Election Engagement

Aug 23
Aug 23 2024, 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

Verdis LeVar Robinson

Event Type


Issue Guides

We continue our With the People: Election 2014 initiative with this session is hosted by the Interim Executive Director, Verdis LeVar Robinson. It will provide participants with tools and techniques on how to train moderators for National Issues Forums. This virtual training session is a part of the new Moderating Deliberative Forums training series. Note: If new to National Issues Forums, the Introduction webinar and a Moderator Training Workshop is recommended.

Topics Covered:

  • Deconstruction of a National Issues Forum
  • Training Methods for NIF Moderators
  • Review of Guides and Resources
  • Cohort Creation of Trainers

Held on Zoom. Register for the Zoom link. Space is very limited. Click the link to REGISTER.

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