National Week of Conversation | Forum on Policing (on Zoom)
Please join us during the National Week of Conversation for a deliberative forum on Zoom.
Friday, April 29, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT
Policing: What Should We Do to Ensure Fair Treatment and Keep Neighborhoods Safe for Everyone?
People in communities across the country are considering policing practices that treat all people fairly while still enforcing the law.
- What law enforcement functions do we most value and want to enhance? What aspects do we want to eliminate or rethink?
- What rules should community members, law enforcement, officeholders, social services, educators, businesses, and others play as we work to enhance and improve policing?
During the forum, participants will discuss perspectives and experiences as they weigh the pros and cons of various approaches to the issue and gain important insights from other participants in a civil and productive atmosphere.
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