HCC & Virginia Tech: "How Can We Stop Mass Shootings In Our Communities?"
Hillsborough Community College
Tampa, FL 33614
Brittany Judson
Email Organizer
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides

In collaboration with Virginia Tech University Honors, a student committee from Hillsborough Community College Honors Institute will facilitate a deliberative forum on the following issue: "How Can We Stop Mass Shootings in Our Communities?” The goal of this deliberation is to join together as citizens and reflect on the topic, find common ground, and set direction for public policies and solutions. In attendance will include HCC students, faculty, and staff, as well as two students from Virginia Tech University Honors.
The forum will be held on April 13th from 3:30-6:30pm at Hillsborough Community College, RSVPs only. For more information, please contact Brittany Judson, student lead, at bjudson@hawkmail.hccfl.edu.
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