National Institute for Civic Discourse (NICD) Calls on Presidential Debate Moderators to Run Civil Debates

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The following announcement is from Carolyn Lukensmeyer at the National Institute for Civic Discourse (NICD).


As a way to reset the tone of this election, The National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD) is calling on presidential debate moderators, candidates and audiences to commit to more civil debates. NICD's Debate Standards, if adopted, will ensure that the debates are fair, informative, and civil. More than 65 organizations have already signed on to the standards.
Help revive civility by supporting the Debate Standards for the upcoming Presidential Debate. Names of signatories will be sent to the Presidential Debate moderators, asking them to adopt the Debate Standards for the upcoming debates. Sign the petition on and share with your friends and family. 
Revive Civility with us, our democracy depends on it.  
Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer
Take action! Sign the petition on which asks Presidential Debate moderators to adopt NICD's Debate Standard for civility. Sign and share with your networks on social media. Share your experience with #ReviveCivility. We'd love to hear from you!
Reviving Civility Together
The Atlantic: A Simple Plan to Fix the Presidential Debates - The integrity of the country's political system is on the line.
by Norm Ornstein - In 1960, the Nixon-Kennedy debates captivated the nation and by most accounts influenced the razor-thin outcome of the election. There was a hiatus in presidential debates until 1976, but they have become a campaign staple since, both a core part of the political discourse and one of the few moments when a larger share of rank-and-file voters pay attention to the real choices they face. This year they are more important than ever; when Donald Trump says the debates will break all records for viewership, he is likely correct. Read full article.
Politico: Trump, Clinton urged to play nice during debate showdowns
by Brent Griffiths - If Carolyn Lukensmeyer has her wish, the four general-election debates this fall will be nothing like their primary counterparts. No more morning-after memes featuring the nicknames bestowed on political rivals the night before. No candidates deciding to battle the moderator along with his or her opponent. And certainly, not a discussion of how big one's hands or anything else might be. Read full article.