Climate Choices Facilitated Discussion
St. Mary of the Crown Catholic Church
Carbondale, CO 81623
Sarah Johnson
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Climate ChoicesPope Francis states in his 2015 encyclical, “Humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it.” (Laudato Sí, no. 23)
Facilitated Discussion in Light of Pope Francis’ Laudato Sí: Care for Our Common Home
Wednesday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
St. Mary of the Crown Catholic Church
The goal of this discussion is to provide a space for dialogue for those interested in better understanding multiple perspectives on how to address the impacts of climate change to our common home and to consider alternative actions, tradeoffs, and underlying values. During the evening, you will review three options to address climate issues. Come as you are; you don’t need any special knowledge or preparation to participate.
Sarah Johnson, parishioner and trained deliberative forum moderator will facilitate. For the discussion, we will use the Climate Choices materials that have been developed through a partnership between the National Issues Forums and the North American Association for Environmental Education. The intent of the forum is to bring parishioners together to discuss, make choices with others about ways to approach difficult issues, and to work toward developing reasoned public opinion.
Space is limited to 15 people.* Please RSVP by Wednesday May 24 to Sarah Johnson, (, 970-510-0697).
If many people are interested, an additional discussion evening will be scheduled.
“Everything is connected. Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.” Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, no. 91
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