Climate Choices - National Issues Forum
4435 E. Patterson Blvd
Beavercreek, OH 45430
National Issues Forums Institute
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides
Are you looking for an opportunity to engage in dialogue with people of differing perspectives around climate change solutions -- one of the complex problems of our times?
The Queen of Apostles Community is convening a National Issues Forum on Climate Choices for the Marianist family, Sunday, September 17th. We invite you to participate in our 10:30am liturgy and the climate forum following, whether you are a parishioner, University of Dayton Marianist student, PULSE volunteer, vowed religious, Marianist lay community, a friend of the Marianist family, or inspired by the Marianist tradition. Your contribution will help shape parish and community climate action planning.
We are looking for a broad range of perspectives. These deliberations work best when there is a cross-section of the community represented -- across ages, backgrounds, and opinions. We seek personal experiences and concerns to help us identify and weigh trade-offs and drawbacks. In these structured deliberations we will consider solutions for the parish, the community, and beyond.
In small group discussions, participants will weigh options and trade-offs for what we as a community are willing to do to address climate change. We consider your voice and your participation valuable, whatever your level of familiarity with the issue.
RSVP: (click here to RSVP). This will help us make space and lunch preparations.
To learn more about National Issues Forums:
Small-group conversations will ensure that all voices are heard and considered. Common threads and reflections from this event will inform further community dialogue, action, and partnerships.
Questions? Contact Leah Ceperley, ceperleyl1@udayton.e
For more information: click here for flyer.

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