Enduring Values, Changing Concerns: A Retrospective Analysis of NIF Forums on Jobs and the Economy from 1982 to 2020
Forty Years of Citizen-to-Citizen Deliberation on National Security and America’s Role in the World
On Second Thought: How a Deliberative Public Talks about America’s Role in the World
Fixing the Health-Care System: What People See—and What They’re Willing to Do—After Deliberating
Health Care 2020: How Can We Bring Costs Down While Getting the Care We Need?
Talking about Health Care in a Divided Nation: A Report from the Kettering Foundation and the National Issues Forums Network
Safety, Justice, and Policing: Insights from 2017 Forums That Speak Today
A House Divided: Observations from Nationwide Deliberative Forums
Report on NIF Forum Activity: Climate Choices