Coming Soon - An Issue Advisory - "Infectious Disease in America: How Do We Keep Our Communities Safe?"

The Kettering Foundation has announced that work is underway on an issue advisory with the working title, "Infectious Disease in America: How Do We Keep Our Communities Safe?"

This issue guide is being prepared by the Kettering Foundation for the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI), and will soon be available to download on the National Issues Forums website at

Watch for more details about this latest publication in a series of issue guides and advisories intended to help people deliberate about difficult national issues.

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Watch it Online Now - First Webinar in a Series about Issue Framing is Available Online

(The following announcement is from the American Library Association Center for Civic Life, and the David Mathews Center for Civic Life.)

Does your community have a problem that looks like this?

Join us to learn how you can help overcome deadlock and lead change in your community.

WATCH it Online Now - Session 1: “Beyond Deadlock: A Better Way to Talk about Difficult Issues”

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