Youth and Opportunity - Issue Advisory (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

A year beleaguered by crises, 2020 has left many Americans concerned about what lies ahead for future generations. This advisory is designed to help people deliberate together about what we should do to ensure that future generations can succeed in a greatly changed world.

Price: $0.00

Bleeding Kansas - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

It's December, 1857. Citizens in Kansas and across the United States hold contested visions of the terrritory’s future statehood, and fear that violent clashes over slavery in Kansas might foreshadow civil war between the nation’s free and slave states. Western expansion is popular and seems inevitable, but it also highlights our country’s deepening regional and political divisions. How can we shape our growing nation to heal, rather than exacerbate, the divisions among our citizens?

Price: $0.00

Forging a New City - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

It’s February, 1946. World War II ended just five months ago with the Japanese surrender, but the end of the war has not brought peace to Pittsburgh.

In fact, the end of the war has created many problems for our city. The war provided jobs, but now those jobs are drying up. During the war, we put aside our differences to focus on the war effort, but now old racial and economic tensions are rising to the surface.

With deteriorating neighborhoods, growing slums, aging housing, and rampant pollution, we face an urban crisis.

Price: $0.00

Hetch Hetchy - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

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This issue guide was developed by the Autry Museum of the American West in collaboration with the Kettering Foundation as part of the Historic Decisions series. It is designed to stimu- late deliberation about a complex historical issue by examining the difficult choices Americans faced at the time.

Price: $0.00

Moving Towards Freedom - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

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This Historic Decisions issue guide, published by the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, is based on research done in collaboration with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Historic Decisions issue guides foster the development of deliberative democratic skills through examining the difficult choices Americans faced in the past. The actions presented in these issue guides are based on ideas or proposals actively considered at the time the historic decision was made and do not reflect the views of the foundation, its directors, or its officers.

Price: $0.00

Slavery or “Freedom Forever” - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

In 1854 President Franklin Pierce faced a critical choice, one that would determine the fate of his presidency and have a profound impact on the future of the United States. Should he support the Kansas-Nebraska proposal, which gave local settlers the right to determine whether or not slavery would be permitted? Should he maintain the Missouri Compromise, which banned slavery in these territories? Or, since any decision regarding slavery would have a significant impact the nation’s economic well-being, should practical considerations overrule moral rhetoric?

Price: $0.00

The Creek War of 1813-1814 - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

This issue guide is designed for classroom deliberation on a period of Alabama history that deserves more of our attention: the Creek Indian Civil War of 1813-14. Deliberation is a form of discussion where participants weigh the pros and cons of different approaches to solving a complex problem. Participants work through various tradeoffs or consequences of actions with respect and passion, and, over time, they develop skills required for living in a democratic society: critical thinking, communication, judgment, and empathy.

Price: $0.00

The Long Road Home - Issue Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

The purpose of this guide is to provide a framework for a deliberation about what to do about people who were still without housing and work in September 1952, seven years after the end of World War II. It is written from the perspective of people living at that time and contains the information that was available to them at that time.

Price: $0.00

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) - Educator Facilitation Guide (Downloadable PDF)

Kenny McGuane's picture

This deliberation guide focuses on the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, encouraging students to examine the choices the Californio indigenous people faced in June 1849 as they determined how they would approach, or avoid, a future as American citizens. As students investigate the cultural, historical, economic, and political context of the time, they will wrestle with and weigh possible answers to the question: What do you do when the border crosses you?

Price: $0.00


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